Quote of the Day...

The man who complains about the way the ball bounces is likely the one who dropped it. - Lou Holtz

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hit & Run

Well, it's great to be back. Its been a crazy week and I've been feeling a little sick after eating some crow...Thank you, Bode Miller.

Let's get started with some quick hits from the past week.

Bode: The more things change, the more they stay the same. Welcome back, Bode! After winning the gold you miss the gate at your next three events!

Yevgeny: You lost! The fact that you're a mens figure skater should tell you something. After losing your gold to Lysacek, you came out and said that he is not a figure skater. He is just an ice dancer. Let me clue you in. To the other 6.5 billion people on this planet, those two sports are the same thing. Kettle calling the pot...

The Flying "Animal" or "Tomato": I know it is snowboarding, but was there one athlete that dominated their sport more than Shaun White in Vancouver? There are airplanes that fly over my house that don't get that much air.

Cat Fight: Lindsey & Julia, great job! Just think how much better you two could have been if you actually skied like teammates. I see a new "E" reality show...bikinis maybe?

"Un-Home" field Advantage: Chris Rudge, Head of the Canadian Olympic Committee, was quoted as saying that the reason the Canadian team started out so slow was all the pressure of competing in front of the home fans. Don't tell the Cavaliers this. They will have no chance of beating the Lakers in the finals.

Bronze performance was better than gold: Joannie Rochette's performance after her Mom passed away unexpectedly in Vancouver a few days before her event. That is the spirit of the Olympics we often see, but can't always explain.

Shani Davis: Thanks for not skating the team pursuit. I know you were upset about not being able to skate the 3-man pursuit as 1 person (Team Davis), but you cost us an easy gold!

Can't be explained: Hey Olympic Guys/Gals, why in the world would you show a sport (I use that term loosely) that the whole world makes fun of for what seemed like 24 hrs a day for 17 days on MSNBC? I would have told them to park that sport way out back behind that old shed on top of the compost heap!

Deja Vu: I think I said this before...Great hockey game. This is what playoff hockey should be like, without all the fighting. Canada was golden and I don't think anyone really thought team USA could beat them twice. A silver was great for a team that was not supposed to medal!

He said it: Mike Milbury, the Hockey announcer, described the pep talk that the German Coach, Uwe Krupp likely gave his team while they were getting rolled by the Canadians..."He's asking his guys to just basically be fire hydrants, and are getting peed on right now." He also called the Russian hockey style of play "Eurotrash"! This guy would be great for the NFL.

Golf: Speaking of trash, they just completed the Waste Management Open in Phoenix. Without Tiger, this should be the sponsor for all golf events because...it's garbage!

Genius: Tony LaRussa. Only Tony is smart enough to hire a hitting coach with a lifetime batting average about .260 for a guy, Albert Pujols, hitting .335. Hey coach, just tell the other players to copy "that guy"(Pujols).

Genius your not: Hey Mac, how dumb do you think we are? I just can't believe that you really took "roids" only because you had a cold.

Welcome back! Kobe, after missing what seemed like years, you returned to hit the game winner. One for the Thumb in 2010. Hey Kobe, can you pour a little of that in a glass for Peyton?

It's March not October! Why are my sports pages covered with stories from that Halloween(Orange & Black)team across the Bay? Yes! I know they don't play in October, but give a little more love to the 4-time "World Champion Oakland A's."

Cal Bear Fans (I'm included!): Just beat Stanfurd this coming Saturday and win the conference outright. See Cal football and you know what happens if you tie...no roses. I did not misspell that college in Palo Alto. That is how Bear fans spell it!

Last but not least, only 6 days til Spring (football) practice. Go Bears!!!

Look for the next post..."Top 10 things you didn't know about spring training!" later this week.

"Wise Guy"

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