Quote of the Day...

The man who complains about the way the ball bounces is likely the one who dropped it. - Lou Holtz

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I recently read that Ken Williams, the GM of the Chicago White Sox,told a sports network that paying 30 million per season for one player is "asinine." Ken said that if the owner gave him 30 million to spend on one player, he would not do it. I would spend that money on players, not just one player. That would be the smart move if your name was Billy Beane, but it's not! Your name is Ken Williams. I will tell you what is asinine. How about spending 27 million a year for the next 4 years on two guys named Konerko and Dunn. Yes, one is past his prime and the other strikes out more than a fat kid at a cheerleader camp.

Asinine? How about your manager, Ozzie Guillen. He is the Milton Bradley of MLB managers. Asinine? How about your owner, Jerry Reinsdorf, breaking up the Chicago Bulls right after they won their 6th title.

Asinine? How about paying a movie star 20 million for one crappy mover after another. Asinine is paying Ryan Seacrest 15 million to do whatever it is he does.

Someone is going to make 30 million a year and asinine would be if it is anyone other than Albert Pujols, a three-time MVP just hitting his prime. Asinine is the fact that A-Rod has been paid 33 million each of the last two years.

Maybe the fact that I'm doing this post is asinine!

"Wise Guy"

1 comment:

  1. It's like that hot bodied ugly chick...I'd give her face a 1 but her asinine!
