Quote of the Day...

The man who complains about the way the ball bounces is likely the one who dropped it. - Lou Holtz

Monday, January 25, 2010

Ban-zai...Here's the 1st...

I have decided to create a blog so that I can express my sarcastic sports feeling on todays headlines...I needed something more than facebook and tweet sounds like something a canary would say...I needed something with "Big boys" pants!!! Please give me your opinion...remember they are like #ssholes...everyone has one.

Let's get started...

Cubs Win! Cubs Win! Yes the Cubs...of the NFL. Here's a toast (it's Norlans...a bottle) to all the former Bag wearing, Aint labled, bead collecting, women or men chasing adults (term used lightly) and all the rest of the drunks (fans) that will need the full two weeks to recover from the party that started last night and may well continue for some time well after the Superbowl. You deserve it!!!

The irony in this story is that the Saints favorite son, Archie Manning...Mr Saint himself, had a son who stands in the way of history that only a Red/White Sox fan would understand and the SF Giants hopefully never will. The son, Peyton Manning, is arguably the Greatest QB ever...Yes, even better than Aikman & Stauback and leads a Colts team that has played the best all year.

Let the rest of us kick back and enjoy the ride and no one mention to those rowdy fans in the back that the spread for the colts is -5.5 pts and that the glass slipper looks way to small and that it's getting close to midnight...because right now it doesn't really matter. The saving grace may be that "Mardi Gras" might be the only thing to help sober everyone up from the Party that may erupt on the 7th of Feb...and that is a scary thought.

And then just maybe...maybe my "Bears" will be playing in the Rosebowl and that would be something!!!


  1. Great first post, Sport's Wise Guy. I take it that's you in the Cal jersey. Who's the other guy, your editor? If I had to take a serious guess I'd say it's your older brother. My favorite part of your blog is the "SF Giants hopefull never will" comment. I hate those San Fagcicans. On another topic, I think Arizona will be playing in Pasadena next January. Go Cats! (Uh oh, I think I just gave my identity away.)

  2. I concur, great first post. I suggest inserting a daily link in FB.

    Long live the Lemony Pledge needing San Franghetto trophy case!

  3. Very good job Greg. I am suprised

  4. Greg - No comment about Jerry bringing back Wade Phillips for two more years??? I know you are pumped! How 'bout them Cowboys!
